
Not bad for a Tuesday

I was one lucky girl today to meet Harry Reid. Yes, THE US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Today was his event on sustainable energy at the Springs Preserve, and I was lucky enough to be there.

He did a TV interview right in front of me, so I had a chance to snap some close ones.

My goodness does he have a firm handshake.


On to Makino's!

May I suggest a little Wintersleep? Listen to Weighty Ghost and try not to get hooked. It's powerful stuff.




Guess what?





Embrace it

Transformers was EPIC

In light of what has happened this week, we are reminded that life is a precious thing, and that to live your life in the fullest is nothing short of incredible. Carpe diem.



little cousin is the most adorable thing ever.
james -jae sung- is such a darling.


Too much sugar!!!

Be prepared because you'll be getting a lot of cloud pictures.
I've never seen such amazing skyscapes as I did this past week.
I couldn't help myself.

Right now I'm at the point where I'm super hyper, I have a headache, and my mind is going too fast. I had boba and mango sorbet in that order. My body reallly cannot handle it.

So on the way back from Girls State we stopped at this little All-American town Hawthorne. And we went to this little convenience store and guess what I found??? Warheads, Now and Laters, and Big League chew grape flavor. All the things I've been trying to find for FOREVER. Thank goodness for mom and pop stores. I can now relive my childhood through candy.

And tomorrow I'll be trying this butterbeer recipe. I bought the fixings today, and we'll see how it goes tomorrow! My head is spinning so fast right now I can't exactly handle more sugar at the moment.



Back Home

Thanks for the gum wrapper heart, Kaci.

I'm back! And I brought some new material with me too. You guys will be getting presents for a little while. =D I'm glad to be home, but I miss Girls State. I met some incredible people and had some incredible experiences. I got to pass mock legislature in the assembly of NV for goodness sakes. Pretty much amazing. And the weather up by Lake Tahoe makes me realize how much I really dislike the arid heat down here. -_-

If you ever get the opportunity to do something new, do it. I was terrified to leave home for cabins and wilderness for a week. But it was pretty freaking awesome.

sails & sunrises

good morning.





"sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing.
there is a time for silence.
a time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny.
and a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it’s all over."

-Gloria Naylor


fruit loops

i love cereal.
i'm a big breakfast eater.

"why can’t we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together? i guess that wouldn’t work. someone would leave. someone always leaves. then we would have to say goodbye. i hate goodbyes. i know what i need; i need more hellos."
-charlie brown

geez, charlie was a sad, sad person.


See you Soon

I'm off to get some nature time. This is my first time sort of ish camping, and it's going to be a whole new thing for me. But I'm glad I get to go with a couple close friends and that I will (hopefully) be sleeping away from where bears can get me. And there's electricity, food, and phone reception. Oh yeah, hopefully I can learn about government, too. If you can guess where I'm going, 10 points for you. =D

I'll see you guys back in a week or so. I'll be taking my camera, so hopefully I get something good.

Enjoy your week and I'll see you all soon!


mmmm. bruschetta.


The Dailys

I've been taking way too much dark photography lately...

This is so cool. Photographer Lisa Jack is opening up an exhibition of photos she took of President Obama back in college for her project. Amazing stuff. I guess you never know what your friends will become.

This band, El Ten Eleven, just completely made my day. This two-man group makes it sound like a 5-man orchestra. That's pure talent, for sure.

let it pour

anyone who says that sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain


Camping Songs!

Not this kind.

I'm heading off to the wilderness for a week next week! So I figured lately that Matt Pond PA and Band of Horses are like the perfect bands to listen to out in nature.

Any suggestions?


had gone to niko's very swanky party.
had a lot of fun.
that necklace jingle-jangled the whole time.
seems like everyone's having a birthday.

and if it is not yours, then a happy un-birthday to you :)



Finally I can get more of this. My summer officially started yesterday. Finally freed from SATs!!!! For awhile...yesss. For everyone who took it too, I wish you the best of luck!

Learning to drive. Pretty exciting.

Gonna go running later. I had 3 hours of tennis last night and I am so ready for more getting in shape. I feel like I haven't physically done anything for a lonnggg time.

Does anyone know how many times you can drop an ipod before it doesn't work anymore? Because the nano is super slippery and it has been dropping...a lot. O_o

For everyone following SYTYCD, I'm so disappointed with what happened to Natalie Reid. I was so rooting for her to win this year. But I hear there are conspiracies about her being cut from the show. Next year, Natalie! She's such a freaking good dancer. And apparently such a good friend (her support of Katie last year was so selfless). She auditioned to Breakdown More by Eric Hutchinson. While I'm at it, I should just throw in Pollen and Salt by Daphne Loves Derby, the audition song of Nathan Trasoras (another amazing dancer).

Enjoy your summer, everyone!



currently reading: the dharma bums, jack kerouac

aphy, do you think god made the world to amuse himself because he was bored? because if so he would have to be mean."
"i really don't know, ray, but i appreciate your sadness about the world."



that is a unicorn.
a unicorn made of paper. & magic.


I can't believe it

summer=more of this

We're seniors!!!!!

Hello to summer. I hope you guys enjoy your next three months. Make the most of every single day. Because before we know it, we'll be graduating.

It's been a lonnnngg journey, but it's not over yet. I don't really want it to be. =D



it's okay.
be sad. cry until you've no sobs left. empty yourself of those miserable tears.
but just know that you'll have to rise again.
continue. be better than before.
& know this, i will be by your side through it all.


rose macaron

i've been experimenting with exposure lately.
& i think i might almost maybe probably be getting the hang of it. yeeaaah.
my little sister really likes that massive flowery mass growing out of my head. she frequently walks around with it on.
oh, & can someone enlighten me about shutter priority vs. aperture priority? the pros & cons, when to use which and all that jazz.
thanks a bundle :)
have a nice week!

A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY OTHER LITTLE SISTER-the non-flower-toting-weird one!