

face stuffer, yup, that's me.
unagi. mmmm

i'm doing fine, & you guys?
also, suggestions on any good books?
much appreciated.

p.s. when i said i would be answering questions soon, i guess i meant in the somewhat near future. i don't know, consult with the theory of relativity.


  1. 'Twas nice seeing you at the library (: I can't get enough of The Joy Luck Club lately, or Amy Tan in general. What's some of your favorite books? I heard One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is pretty good.

    Hey, but nothing can ever beat Where the Wild Things Are ;D

  2. i used to eat sooo much unagi and then i kinda got sick of it :/
    i like that second shot of the restaurant interior!!
    books? hahah read michael pollan - in defense of food.

  3. white oleander, by jeanette winterson. she writes like a dream.
